********************** * NEW DELHI * ********************** version 1.0 for FS5.1 Release 1 - CONTAINS NEW DELHI and Agra Entire New and Old Delhi with all streets, all houses and buildings on textures, bridges over the river Yamuna, dynamic scenery, the Red-Fort, the Kutab Minar, railway stations, the Jama Masjid, India Gate, and of course some surprises ... and even more...and you also have an enhanced Taj Mahal (the Taj complex) and a complete scenery of Agra. (Please read the enclosed textfile for further information on the Agra part of the scenery !) Copyright (c) by ANDRAS KOZMA CIS: 100410,1077 August, 1995 This scenery is free and for the enjoyment of fellow Fltsimmers and can be distributed freely without charge and uploaded to any BBS or FTP accompanied by all files and the documents that come with it. They should not be altered and cannot be incorporated into other shareware or freeware programs or published on CD ROM without my prior permission. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO EARN MONEY ON THIS SCENERY! It took me a lot of time to make it, and it would be unfair to illegally commercialize on my humble effort. ++++++++++++++++++ <<<<<<--->>>>>> THE SCENERY: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ALL STREETS AND ROADS and HOUSES ARE THERE AND in THE EXACT PLACE. Though this fact probably makes some other features of the scenery suffer a bit, but my major aim was to make a scenery of my "second" hometown where ANYBODY could and can easily find his street or even his house or garden. All historical places and every corner of the capital can be seen easily and you will find it much better than any "photo-realistic" city. If you saw and liked my "Budapest scenery", then this is something that you are gonna even like better. My skill has improved since then and I feel that as far as the textures are concerned this scenery will give you the most "close to ground" feeling. While designing it I often felt that there is no other way to make a lively scenery, at present and under the current possible resolution. On this scenery I have concentrated more on the textures and less on buildings and staff like that. This is because first of all I did enjoy making the textures more and there are so many wonderful historical monuments and buildings in Delhi that it would have been silly to spend long weeks on designing them individually. Well, there are still 214 objects included... Thus, when you see the "city" I hope you forgive me for the lack of too many complicated objects, which are actually not "that" important as far as flying goes. Various generic photos were used and the latest maps as well, so I assure everybody that everything is in the right place with the maximum precision. That is why I had to make over 150 texture files, which are NOT photo-realistic as such, but were made by using aerial photographs (for which I wish to thank American Institute for Indian Studies - New Delhi and particulary Dr.Subha Chaudhury). Here I should state that although I'm a fan of photo-realistic stuff, the present highest resolution possible does not allow it to be truly realistic. Therefore - as you have probably noticed - I "invented" this pretty slow but very useful method of "painting" sceneries which is most probably the only way to have sceneries which look fairly realistic from above 2-4000 ft. Initially I started working with the Fs5 standard palette and later changed to another which is nothing but a copy of the LV palette, but I had to do it because of the haze file. I just hadn't the time to deal with that separately. I have also used a single texture file from LV scenery, so that's not mine, but hope it's not an offence...or if it is, in exchange BAO can use my 120 texture files... The Yamuna river and streams look horrible with FS5.1's default water-color but I had no other choice. It is ugly, and sorry for that. LIMITATIONS: ============ New Delhi is a very large city. There are only two areas (Connaught Place and Nehru Place) where buildings larger than 3 story's are allowed, although some governmental buildings and hotels are above that limit elsewhere too. Therefore the capital actually grows in size rather than height. (The case is just opposite in Bombay where skyscrapers have been allowed to be built for decades). Thus, I had no choice but to leave out some suburbs which are rather far from the center anyway. When I started spending longer periods in Delhi the so called "Trans-Yamuna" areas (on the eastern side of the river) were almost non existent. By now, there are very large residential areas beyond the river and some as far as 35 km from the center. I had to neglect them on this scenery, including some western parts of Delhi Cantonment and a few other western areas. There would have been no problem to fit them in, but frankly I did not want to make this scenery larger than any of the others so far. SYSTEM: +++++++ This scenery was made in exactly 27 days under FS5.1 . The scenery has been tested on my "system" which is : AMD DX4/100, SVGA, 740 MB-HD, DOS6.2, QEMM 7.5, 12MB RAM, V7-Mirage 1Mb video card, etc. (hopefully not for long...) __IMPORTANT:___ 1. DO NOT USE IMAGE SMOOTHING WITH THIS SCENERY! Anyway you can not, because I switched it off... regarding the textures that is... ...but the textures have been designed that way that they look better without this feature of FS5. 2. The city of New Delhi is dense enough so carefully use the appropriate scenery options to get a useful framerate. Most of the buildings and other objects show up only at the scenery density setting set to VERY DENSE. 3. The Indira Gandhi airport is also one of the most complex airports ever made, so use it with scenery option set to very-dense ONLY if you have a fast system. 4. Because of the number of texture files included do not expect good performance on a slow or even average machine. I think it needs at least a DX4-100 and minimum 4 MB RAM, but found that for numerous textures 8MB or more should work much better. It is rarely the textures but the OBJECTS which make a scenery slow, so even if you have to disable some buildings and other "solid" objects: the very "essence" of this scenery, the textures still remain there! 5. Sceneries which have a lot of ground texture files are usually made with a code that forces texture-loading only when the given texture file has to be in "sight" regarding the open windows, (preferably one at a time). But the MAP VIEW has a strange behaviour: if opened, sometimes it loads only the apropriate textures only, but sometimes wants to load all nearby! Therefore be careful with it as far as framerate concerns. (It's valid only if textures on mapview is turned on) 6. I have used some FS5.1 specific code so don't try it under 5.0 or 5.0a, it will not work at all! INSTALL: ++++++++ As you use FS5.1 I strongly suggest to make a separate directory for the files, India or NewDelhi or whatever, (naturally SCENERY and TEXTURE as usually). All Bgl files go to .../SCENERY and the textures having the .del extension go to the .../TEXTURE subdirectory. The .oav files which belong to airports designed by Airport will naturally go also to the TEXTURES directory. The Delhi.pal and Delhi.haz files should also be placed in the /TEXTURE subdir. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This scenery will conflict with all earlier INDIA sceneries. Hence the only way out is to make a .kill file which eliminates problems at least in the Delhi and Agra areas. Earlier India sceneries also have some navaids which have changed since then, so these are the current ones. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISC.: ====== Delhi is a wonderful city where I spent over 10 years of my limited lifespan therefore I may claim to "know" the city pretty well. Although I'am not a born Indian but was riding my Indian made Kinetic Honda "scooter" a lot in the city and I enjoyed it a lot. For those who liked my Budapest scenery I have to say that I quite probably know Delhi better than Budapest... That's why my 2.nd "large" city became New Delhi. India is a wonderful country. Don't believe those who, (being much too "western") just resent the very idea of a developing country like India. India has an outstanding culture which has been facing an unbroken chain of tradition back to 5000 years. I'm professionally involved with Indian culture so it is better if I keep silent...but...be open minded please... ABOUT DELHI: ============ Delhi was the capital of India many times over the long Indian history. The city actually contains two known parts: Delhi and New Delhi. Delhi (which is also called Old Delhi) is rather small in size but now the very rapidly growing new part surounds it ever more year by year. Old Delhi is naturally the older of the two and it is said that there are nine succesive layers of Delhi which have been built during the long centuries. New Delhi is very beautifully built and is one of the greenest cities anywhere. The main avenues are very broad in size and there are many of them crossing the city. The "roundabouts" (roundly shaped crossings) are also a well known feature of the city. Beacause of the rapid development it is mainly the southern region where the very nicely built residential areas are, but a large quantity of people live in Old Delhi and in the new northern and western parts, as well. (I could write on Delhi very lenghtly, if you are interested please read any of the numerous books deal with the city). FINALLY and MOST IMPORTANTLY: MANY THANKS FOR ALL WHO HAVE MADE THIS SCENERY POSSIBLE WITH THE GREAT TOOLS AVAILABLE AT MOST RELEVANT FORUMS!!!!! MANY THANKS GUYS!!! I would deeply thank MANFRED MOLDENHAUER for Scasm and for his personal help. Thanks for the authors of AIRPORT, which made it easy to do the airports. (I wish I could speak French as well as I speak Hindi or Bengali)... Thanks for RAFAEL SANCHEZ for his Polymaker. FOR NAVIGATIONAL INFORMATION, PLEASE READ THE CORRESPONDING FILE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <<<>>> TO PREVENT DATABASE ERRORS.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If any unpleasant thing like that happens make sure that other sceneries which contain SCENERY or NAVAIDS for India are disabled in prior. Use the Areakill programme please! If other database errors happen let me know immediately! (don't worry there are none...) ллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл AIRPORTS ^^^^^^^^ VIDP - NEW DELHI - Indira Gandhi Int. N28:34:01 E77:06:08 226m Runways: 27/09 and 28/10 VIDD - NEW DELHI - Safdarjung N28:36:00 E77:13:57 226m Runway: 30/12 VIAG - AGRA N27:09:05 E77:57:07 220m Runways: 05/23 and 12/30 (Agra airport at present is closed for commercial traffic and operates as a militarty base. However, and strange enough, they accept private planes as well. If commercial airliners can not land in Delhi for some reason, Agra is open for receiving them on special permission bases). ******************************************************************************* Apart from Indira Gandhi International and Safdarjung airports, there is a third very small airport in Delhi. I have omited it for two reason. The air- port is at a location which is out of my scenery boundaries and secondly it does not have anything but a kind of grass strip with a single building on it. You could hardly ever recognize it from any altitude, so finally I left it off. Another important information is, that while landing on Safdarjung airport you will notice that there is a "flyover", a bridge right at the begining of the runway. It is approximately 21 meters high measured from the runway level. Do not destroy it while landing or taking off! It connects Aurobindo road which is an important avenue in New Delhi, traffic would be impossible for months if had to be rebuilt! ******************************************************************************* Hope you enjoy this scenery! Please do send me any comments or corrections, I need your help and opinion!!! You can also freely criticise me I'm happy if you do so. ANDRAS KOZMA Volkmann u. 3/B. 1026 Budapest Hungary Ph.: (36-1) 176-2698 CIS: 100410,1077 August, 1995 ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Just in case if you are deeply interested in Indian culture you can also "officially" contact us at the same address: RIMPA - Ravi Shankar Institute for Music and Performing Arts ***** Central European Branch Volkmann u. 3/B 1026 Budapest, Hungary